We Are Survivors: Ingrid’s Cervical Cancer Story

Ingrid Morgan’s journey is one of remarkable strength and courage. An author, mother, grandmother, and former community advocate, Ingrid embodies the spirit of a survivor. Known for her warm and friendly personality, she prioritizes teaching others the value of humanity and embracing life as a continuous learning journey. Ingrid has faced cervical cancer twice, but she has turned her challenging journey into a guide for others.  

Ingrid’s first encounter with cervical cancer was brought on by symptoms such as back pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and occasional pelvic pain. Concerned for her health, she underwent two Pap smears, both of which returned positive results. “I was shocked, angry, and in disbelief,” Ingrid recounts. “I cried a little, wiped my tears, and decided to document my journey.” Despite her fear and uncertainty, Ingrid’s determination to stay informed and proactive about her health prevailed. She immediately began journaling to document her story, driven by the desire to eventually share her experiences and support others facing similar battles. 

Recently, Ingrid received devastating news—her cervical cancer had returned. Her shock and anger resurfaced, but so did her bravery. “Finding out I had cervical cancer for the second time was incredibly hard,” she shares. “But I knew I had to stay strong, not just for myself, but for my family and those who look up to me.” 

Ingrid now faces her diagnosis head-on, armed with the lessons she learned from her previous battle. She sought answers from her medical team about cancer recurrence and preventive measures to avoid another recurrence.  

Through the trials Ingrid faces, her husband and daughter stand by her side, providing constant love. “My husband and daughter were my biggest supporters. They made all the difference in my journey.” In addition to family, Ingrid’s faith plays a crucial role in her approach to recurrence. “The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to trust God first and stay calm,” she shares. She also asserts that surrounding yourself with positive energy and people who have been in your shoes is helpful, as they can guide you through your experience. 

Today, Ingrid is more determined than ever. Her cancer journey has transformed her perspective on life, instilling a deeper appreciation for each day. Her experience has inspired her to become an advocate supporting other cancer survivors. She is passionate about the cause and wants to ensure that no woman feels alone when facing a gynecologic cancer diagnosis. “I am grateful that I am alive and can share my story. I hope the next woman walking into a gynecologist’s office will not feel alone or scared. Take a day or two to gather your thoughts, smile, and remember that we are survivors.”