2025 Patient & Advocate Education Forum

Friday, March 14, 2025
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Pacific Time
Sheraton Grand Seattle
1400 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101


The forum is an opportunity to learn about the most recent developments and breakthroughs in gynecologic cancer and connect with other survivors, advocates, and healthcare professionals. We’ve heard your feedback over the past couple of years and have added content centering patient advocacy as well as more time to ask and answer questions and create meaningful conversations. Featured topics include cancer treatment side effect management, sexual health, cancer aftercare, and so much more.

Forum featured topics

Foundation for Women's Cancer - Leadership

Disease Sites

Examine the current status of research and patient care for the five gyn cancers: cervical, endometrial/uterine, ovarian, vaginal, and vulvar.

Foundation for Women's Cancer - Leadership

Patient Advocacy & Empowerment

Learn about the power of your voice! Join other patients, care partners, survivors, providers, and more in an empowering and motivating environment.

Foundation for Women's Cancer - Mission & Values

Clinical Trials

Explore the latest scientific advancements in gyn cancer clinical trials and learn about what your role can be in accelerating research forward.

forum participant collects educational and wellness materials


Learn more about how gyn cancers affect patient and survivor sexual health.

Foundation for Women's Cancer - Annual Reports

Side Effect Management

Learn how to best manage side effects and about advances in radiation and systemic therapies.

Survivors convene for survivor panel


Listen to gyn cancer survivors share their journey, and receive helpful tips and tricks for navigating a gyn cancer diagnosis.

Forum schedule at-a-glance

Time Session Details
9 a.m. Registration Opens; Networking
10 a.m. Forum Welcome
10:15 a.m. Side Effect Management (Radiation, Systemic Therapy, Q & A)
11:05 a.m. Patient Advocacy & Empowerment Panel
12 p.m. Wellness & Survivorship (Sexual Health, Cancer Aftercare, Q & A)
12:55 p.m. Movement Moment
1:15 p.m. Lunch & Networking
2:15 p.m. Disease Site Breakouts with Q& A
3:10 p.m. Food and Drug Administration Q & A
3:55 p.m. Closing

Forum add-ons

Still seeking more ways to connect with survivors, advocates, and medical professionals, outside of participating in the Patient & Advocate Education Forum?

We have you covered! Attend the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) 2025 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer by registering here at a discounted patient and advocate rate of $150. Registration for the Annual Meeting gives you access to the full general program, including additional patient advocate-specific events (details coming soon!)

Forum Sponsors and Exhibitors

For-profit organizations are invited to support the education forum as event sponsors. For more information and the event prospectus, please contact Gail O’Hara.

Tabletop space for non-profit patient advocacy organizations is available at no charge.  This offer consists of one, 6’x30” table and two chairs which will be set inside the forum’s event space. If your patient advocacy organization would like to exhibit at the forum, please contact Brittani Savage.


We are happy to help! E-mail us at fwcinfo@sgo.org.